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Browsing Gallery: Hariot-May-1987

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Hariot at Fordham University in May of 1987.

Gallery Images

ID Name Created Hits User Filesize
275  25-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:30 UTC]  20934  joegiardella  393.09 Kb 
276  27-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:30 UTC]  20845  joegiardella  178.72 Kb 
277  30-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:30 UTC]  21485  joegiardella  257.27 Kb 
278  28-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:30 UTC]  21544  joegiardella  663.72 Kb 
279  29-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:30 UTC]  21695  joegiardella  404.02 Kb 
268  17-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  20972  joegiardella  458.77 Kb 
269  19-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  21321  joegiardella  379.84 Kb 
270  22-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  21012  joegiardella  285.52 Kb 
271  20-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  21169  joegiardella  449.89 Kb 
272  23-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  21422  joegiardella  272.59 Kb 
273  21-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  20897  joegiardella  382.41 Kb 
274  24-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  21276  joegiardella  451.04 Kb 
261  09-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  20853  joegiardella  385.25 Kb 
262  11-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  21007  joegiardella  279.66 Kb 
263  14-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  20877  joegiardella  400.98 Kb 
264  12-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  20657  joegiardella  345.96 Kb 
265  15-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  21033  joegiardella  384.38 Kb 
266  13-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  20918  joegiardella  334.79 Kb 
267  16-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:29 UTC]  21334  joegiardella  595.86 Kb 
256  06-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:28 UTC]  21489  joegiardella  316.69 Kb 
257  04-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:28 UTC]  21243  joegiardella  161.99 Kb 
258  07-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:28 UTC]  20712  joegiardella  357.49 Kb 
259  05-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:28 UTC]  21132  joegiardella  387.13 Kb 
260  08-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:28 UTC]  21261  joegiardella  237.68 Kb 
254  01-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:28 UTC]  23368  joegiardella  287.21 Kb 
255  03-Hariot-May-1987.jpg  Tue 01 of Apr, 2014 [04:28 UTC]  22025  joegiardella  197.86 Kb 
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